
Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Finding the Best Shower Filters to Remove Chlorine & Other Harmful Chemicals

Searching for the best shower filters to remove chlorine and other unwanted contaminants is a wise decision. Most of us do not consider the harmful effects from the toxins we bathe in daily. When it comes to considering the adverse health effects of contaminants in our water can have on us, we usually think about the impurities in our drinking water, not the impurities in our shower water.

The highest quality shower filters remove chlorine, it byproducts, and other synthetic chemicals. The chlorine from showering irritates and takes moisture out of our skin, causing dry skin and, potentially, other skin problems.

In addition to skin problems from showering in hot, chlorinated water, of equal concern is absorbing and inhaling dangerous chemicals. While showering, the hot water opens up our pores, allowing chlorine and other synthetic chemicals to enter the bloodstream. According to a study by the American Journal of Public Health, these chemicals increase the chances of getting certain types of cancer.

As stated above, inhaling chemicals from steamy showers is another concern. During a hot, steamy shower, chemicals vaporize into the atmosphere of our homes, causing gaseous vapors that hang around profusely. As known by medical experts, these vapors can irritate the tissues in our lungs and cause asthma as well as bronchitis.

Knowing of the medical complications that can arise from showering in chemically infested water, the question that comes to mind is, "What are the best shower filters for removing chlorine and other harmful chemicals?"

According to research, the best shower filters have a two-staged system--one for reducing chlorine and enhances pH balance--and the other for reducing synthetic chemicals other than chlorine. Without this two-staged system, you risk showering in chemicals that could, otherwise, be filtered.

Another feature to look for in the best shower filtration system is the ability to withstand hot water while not retaining bacteria, which is known to grow in carbon filters.

As equally important is the flow rate of the water. A filter not having the output to produce enough water to bathe in defeats the purpose of showering. Therefore, it's important for the top shower filter to use enough pressure while reducing harmful toxins effectively.

So, if you are looking for the best shower filter to remove chlorine and other harmful toxins, consider the the ill-health effects you could received from settling on a filtration system of lesser quality.

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