
Saturday, April 11, 2020

Why Use a Filter When On Well Water?

Why Use a Filter When On Well Water?

While well water tends to be drinkable and usable, several disadvantages come along. More than 50% of homes in the United States get their water from private and government-regulated wells. Even though the government claims to purify the water before delivering it through your pipes, you still need to take some action.

Well, that’s where well water filter comes in!

Well water needs to be filtered to improve its quality. If you do not filter water coming from well it might make you sick. As most wells are not regulated by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), the chances are that there’s no safety mechanism in place.

Unfiltered well water can affect your health due to the contaminants, sediments, and diseases they bring along. Also, well water has bad taste and poor smell if not filtered.

So, following are some significant reasons for using a filter when on well water:

Better Taste and No Smell

Usually, well water has bad taste and odor because the condition of the water source is poor. Some important factors include no maintenance, stagnant water, and open water source. Other than taste and smell, well water has a dirty color too. It seems like you are drinking muddy water.

If you are using well water for drinking, cooking, and bathing purposes, this can be disadvantageous. Thus, filtering is necessary to make your water look, taste, and smell fresh.
Killing Microorganisms

There are several microorganisms present in well water that cannot be seen with the naked eye. These usually include bacteria, parasite, protozoa, etc. These organisms have adverse effects on health and can be a reason behind several chronic diseases.

You can never claim well water to be free of bacteria. This is because if it’s not the water, it is the moist walls of well that attract bacteria and host them. The bad smell of well water is usually due to bacteria and amoeba. This is one major determinant of these microorganisms present in water.

Chlorinating your well water using a filter removes these microbes and reduces the chances of ill effects on health.

Removal of Lead and Other Heavy Metals

Water coming from well is usually hard. This is due to lead, and other heavy metals present in the water. These metal contaminants are especially present in wells which are made of concrete or have metal walls.

Rusty pipelines through which this water is delivered to our homes can also be a significant reason behind lead and heavy metals contamination. As we all know, heavy metal is bad for our skin. It adds roughness to our hair and skin when used for bathing. In the same way, it is bad for our organs.

Most of the filters come with heavy metals removal cartridge that ensures these metals do not travel further. It protects our bodies, inside and out.

Read More Here :

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